BACCC asked all municipal candidates for their views on environmentally-friendly transportation options, presenting them with these three questions. Views expressed are solely those of the candidates and do not reflect the views of BACCC or its members. All responses have been reviewed to ensure appropriateness and relevance to the questions posed. We encourage you to make an informed decision by researching your local candidates.

Hamilton Ward 1 Candidate Ian MacPherson
From the recommendations in BACCC’s Options for Travel report, which would be your top priority to enact to ensure safe, reliable, convenient and equitable transportation options?
I would improve the frequency of public transit routes, with more consistently timed routes. Review arrival schedule for public transit to align with go train services, complete audits on all city bus stops. Determine intersections that have poor safety records for protection upgrades, prevent bike theft by bolstering exciting bike registry programs. Complete walk audits surrounding all schools to determine for children and pedestrians and improve safety by completing city-wide lighting studies.
If environmentally friendly transportation options are not convenient, residents will be less likely to choose those options over driving.
What steps would you take to ensure environmentally friendly transportation options are convenient?
Increasing public transit along with offering free public transit and parking during the holiday seasons and go train alignment. If we increase the public transit and conveniency to the public they will be more likely to use it. Citizens that use their own personal vehicles to travel out of town for work would also be enticed to use public transit if it was more reliable and aligned with the go train schedule, especially if it was a high speed train system. I would make sure snow removal was done for all pedestrians in all areas of the city.
Environmentally friendly transportation needs to be perceived as safe in order to be viewed as a viable option.
What steps would you take to ensure all users feel safe when using all transportation methods?
Would make sure all transportation vehicles be inspected on a regular basis and that all vehicle operators be routinely trained and educated on vehicle operations and public affairs.