BACCC asked all municipal candidates for their views on environmentally-friendly transportation options, presenting them with these three questions. Views expressed are solely those of the candidates and do not reflect the views of BACCC or its members. All responses have been reviewed to ensure appropriateness and relevance to the questions posed. We encourage you to make an informed decision by researching your local candidates.

Hamilton Ward 4 Candidate Laura Taylor
From the recommendations in BACCC’s Options for Travel report, which would be your top priority to enact to ensure safe, reliable, convenient and equitable transportation options?
Under the cycling recommendations, I would enact the recommendation to determine which intersections that have poor safety records for protection upgrades. Implement enhanced safety at the identified locations, complimented by an education campaign for travelers. The more comfortable we can make residents who cycle, the more residents will replace driving when its an option. With so many accidents on city streets involving cyclists and pedestrians being struck by automobiles, people are hesitant to take these options. If we can reduce the risk, we can ensure greater public safety. Which will result in more residents using our cycling lanes. This will help to ease the pressure on roadways and help to reduce our greenhouse emissions. Education is key in a system upgrade like this one. So we would have to ensure a campaign would reach all residents to prevent confusion to a new design.
If environmentally friendly transportation options are not convenient, residents will be less likely to choose those options over driving.
What steps would you take to ensure environmentally friendly transportation options are convenient?
I would purpose a plan to increase frequency within the current HSR to provide for better connectivity along routes. If riders don’t have to wait along routes for connecting busses, they would feel more apt to taking public transit. The more convenient we can make a service, the more that service would be used. I would also like to work on a plan to expand secure bike parking, so cyclists feel more comfortable leaving their bikes unattended. As well as create a priority cycling network to be maintained during winter months. In order to get cyclists into the mindset of winter cycling, we have to show them that the city is aware and recognizes the need to keep these areas clear and safe for winter riding.
Environmentally friendly transportation needs to be perceived as safe in order to be viewed as a viable option.
What steps would you take to ensure all users feel safe when using all transportation methods?
I believe we need to take a greater approach to vision zero. Utilizing information that was gained from the complete streets design we can begin this process. Each time a roadway comes under construction we can begin to implement some of these recommendations. Making the streets better equipped for all forms of transportation to move everyone safely. Making our streets a priority for not only vehicles but for pedestrians and cyclists has to be our top priority. The more of the complete streets design we can implement, the greater the safety measures. Such as separation between vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians. Utilizing things like raised crosswalks also helps to ensure pedestrians are more visible to drivers. Creating intersections in high traffic areas where pedestrian traffic moves separately would also create safer streets for our residents.