Current Events & Activities
Green Development Standards
Want to Get Involved?
Buildings Implementation Team
BACCC has re-opened its Buildings Implementation Team, also known as a BACCIT. This BACCIT’s mandate is to advise BACCC on how to ensure advocacy relating to GDS enables our region to achieve net zero, does not exacerbate inequality or create new inequality, and enables effective implementation that supports a sustainable buildings sector in our region. If you have expertise in the development or implementation of Green Development Standards, or you would be impacted by the creation of Green Development Standards, we want to hear from you.
Project Mailing List
Stay in the loop about this project, news on Green Development Standards across Ontario, and opportunities to advocate in support of Green Development Standards in our region by entering your email address below.
Get Involved in Our Collective Impact Initiative!

What Does Being Involved Mean?
- Regular Meetings: Attend bi-monthly, 2-hour council meetings.
- Pre-Meeting Preparation: Review documents, reports, and proposals ahead of meetings.
- Active Participation: Contribute to discussions, share insights, and offer suggestions.
- Share Knowledge: Bring expertise, resources, and networks that support BACCC’s mission.
- Support Decision Making: Provide input and recommendations to BACCC Staff on key decisions, policies, and initiatives.
- Committee Work: Members may participate on working groups or committees focused on specific projects or initiatives. Meetings typically occur between council meetings, usually 1-2 hours every three months.
More Information
- Read our Terms of Reference.
- Learn about the work BACCC does to support the Hamilton-Burlington Bay Area.
- Read BACCC’s 2024-2026 Strategic Plan.
- View BACCC’s Theory of Change.
Application Process
Please note that BACCC will adopt an inclusive approach in reviewing applications. A wide range of applicants will be considered, with attention to various backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives.
Interested in Joining the Council?
Applications Due: February 21, 2025
Past Events & Activities
Fall Climate Justice Webinar
On November 19th, 2024 from 12:00 – 1:00 P.M. BACCC hosted a podcast-style webinar on Climate Justice Matters: Strategies for Equitable Decarbonization.
Speakers Jacqueline Wilson, Canadian Environmental Law Association and Beatrice Ekoko, City of Hamilton discussed concepts of climate justice, the City of Hamilton’s climate justice framework, disproportionate impacts of climate change in Hamilton and Burlington and the intersection between climate justice and decarbonization work, focusing on buildings.
Watch the recording to learn how to embed climate justice into decarbonization work!

Youth Community Engagement Project
From August to September 2024, BACCC hosted a youth engagement project featuring creative writing and art submissions to share the youth vision for sustainable cities and communities in Hamilton and Burlington.
Youth aged 15-25 in the Hamilton and Burlington Bay Area submitted creative writing pieces (poetry and short stories) to reflect what a sustainable city looks like to them. Applicants considered the unique environmental, social, and economic challenges and opportunities in the Bay Area and reflected on innovative solutions, community efforts, and personal experiences that would inspire a sustainable future. Submissions embodied the essence of creating resilient, inclusive, and environmentally-friendly communities.
Congratulations to our contest winners! The winner of the poetry category was, “Hamilton’s Green Horizon” and the winner of the short story category was, “The Last Ride“.
Read these submissions and more on our Digital Zine, Green Horizons: Youth Perspectives on Urban Sustainability.
2024 Bay Area Climate Forum
On May 7th, BACCC hosted the 2024 Bay Area Climate Forum at the Rock Garden in Hamilton from 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. The evening was an inspiring call to action with keynote speaker Jennifer Keesmaat who explored how cities and local communities can collaborate to build thriving, resilient and climate-friendly cities. Mayor Meed-Ward and Mayor Horwath also spoke about the scale of change required, the efforts already underway, and the pathways forward. Attendees had the opportunity to engage with speakers by asking questions using an online platform, Mentimeter, throughout the event.

Thank you to our Sponsors for making this event possible.
Presenting Sponsor: Alinea Land Corporation
Major Sponsor: Hamilton Industrial Environmental Association
Forum Supporters: Friendlier, Hamilton Community Enterprises, Landwise, and Realtors Association Hamilton-Burlington

The forum was live streamed on Zoom for the public to watch from home and the recording was aired by YourTV Burlington and Cable14 the following week.

Residential Retrofits Panel Discussion February 27, 2024
This online webinar featured a lively discussion where experts shared insights on home energy efficiency. Geared towards Burlington and Hamilton homeowners and renters, attendees learned about the relationships between buildings and climate, how to make homes more energy efficient, how to finance home energy upgrades, and how the Cities of Hamilton and Burlington are supporting GHG emissions reductions in residential buildings. The panel featured the IESO, Green Venture, City of Burlington & City of Hamilton! The event culminated in a Q&A session where attendees had their questions answered live by the panelists.
Thank you to our Sponsor, Burlington Hydro, for making this event possible.

2023: Your City, Taking Climate Action
Lowering GHG emissions will require changes to new and existing buildings, transportation networks, and local industry across the Hamilton Burlington “Bay Area”. Advancing local climate policy will also make a positive difference.
On April 13 at 7:00pm, BACCC hosted “Your City, Taking Climate Action” where we heard from Lynda Lukasik and Trevor Imhoff from the City of Hamilton, and Lynn Robichaud and Fleur Storace-Hogan from the City of Burlington, about the latest climate initiatives our cities have charted on our path toward a low-carbon future for the Bay Area.

2022: BACCC Book Club
The BACCC Book Club took place between January 17th and March 18th 2022. Over two months, BACCC staff promoted a reading list of ten books on climate action to residents of Burlington and Hamilton. Six of these books were geared toward an adult audience, and four toward children and young readers. This program was run in partnership with the Hamilton Public Library, and two local bookstores: A Different Drummer Books in Burlington, and J.H. Gordon Books in Hamilton.

2022: Ask Me Anything About Climate Action
On March 9th at 7:00pm, BACCC hosted “Ask Me Anything About Climate Action” on Facebook Live. During this one-hour, free virtual event, residents asked questions directly to representatives from the Cities of Hamilton and Burlington about how our municipalities are working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

2021: Around the Kitchen Table
The Hamilton-Burlington Bay Area can be a thriving, net zero carbon community by 2050. This requires an all-hands-on-deck approach to transforming how we live, how we move, how we build and renovate, and how we power industry. It matters how we communicate the changes necessary to lower our greenhouse gas emissions. That’s why, on March 9th, 2021, more than 600 people from across Hamilton and Burlington registered for “Around the Kitchen Table” to learn how to have better climate conversations. Keynote Katharine Hayhoe and our panel of experts shared their expertise on how we can build bridges with others to support climate action across our region.

2020: Bay Area Climate Change Council Forum
On February 25, 2020, BACCC hosted its annual forum on climate action in the Hamilton and Burlington area. Along with the Centre for Climate Change Management, BACCC hosted guest speaker, Mark Jaccard, author of The Citizen’s Guide to Climate Success at the Joyce Centre for Partnership & Innovation at Mohawk College. Attendees heard from Mark Jaccard and the city councillors from Hamilton and Burlington. The event featured workshops, updates and discussions with BACCC.

2019: Cities in Action: Bay Area Climate Change Summit
From March 25-28th, the Centre for Climate Change Management hosted a 4-day summit on climate change at the Royal Botanical Gardens in Burlington, Ontario. The event offered an opportunity to hear from community, national and international leaders taking action to tackle climate change and create opportunities locally. Attendees learned about advancements in the fight against climate change in the areas of business and the economy, transportation and health, energy and community resilience. Participants were equipped with concrete, tangible strategies they could employ in their organizations and in their day-to-day life. The first day theme was: “Cities in Action – Climate Hope in Action”, the second day focused on “Climate and the Economy”, and featured Keynote Speaker – Glen Hodgson, International Economist and ConsultantGlen. The event also featured speakers Melissa Mirowski, Head of Sustainability, Ikea Canada, Drew Hauser, Director, McCallum Sather Architects and Tony Cupido, Research Chair in Sustainability at Mohawk.

2018: Bay Area Climate Change Summit
The first Bay Area Climate Change Summit “Taking Action Together Today, for a Better Tomorrow” was held on March 7 and 8, 2018 at the Royal Botanical Gardens. The summit consisted of two parts – an evening keynote presentation and a full-day conference. Approximately 90 participants attended the evening event on March 7, which featured a keynote presentation by Sebastian Damm Wray, Development Manager for Copenhagen-based Quercus Group, entitled “How Denmark is enlisting people and business to combat climate change.” Approximately 80 people attended the full-day conference on March 8, which featured a number of presentations, panel discussions and opportunities for community engagement. Included were featured presentations and discussions by representatives from the cities of Hamilton, Burlington and London, EllisDon, IKEA Canada, the Bay Area Restoration Council, Environment Hamilton, Burlington Green, Ontario Centres of Excellence, Intact Centre of Climate Change, Quality Urban Energy Systems of Tomorrow and Copenhagen-based Quercus Group. During the conference the Bay Area Climate Change Partnership (BACCP) initiative was launched; local, regional and national action on climate change was highlighted; and participants had the opportunity to provide input into the BACCP climate action planning and actions.

BACCC Event Protocol
Invitations to speak at BACCC events will be sent to elected officials on account of their role, not their party, politics, or views.
Invitations to speak at events are one form of engagement with elected officials in decision-making roles. BACCC will seek participation from government decision makers as part of its advocacy efforts with the government of the day. These invitations are part of an ongoing conversation with decision makers so that our priorities and recommendations can be expressed and received. It is part of our mission to ensure our collective voice is heard at all levels of government.
As a non-partisan organization, BACCC will not signal partisan leanings by who it invites or does not invite to its events.
As a non-partisan organization, BACCC will not signal partisan leanings by a public endorsement of any political party or elected official.
Within THREE (3) months of a scheduled election, BACCC will not invite any political candidates seeking election to formally speak at BACCC events.
BACCC events will be organized in a way that promotes an ongoing conversation with decision makers, with a view to ensuring ongoing engagement with BACCC, so that our priorities and recommendations can be expressed and received.
BACCC events will be organized in a way that allows attendees to submit questions for an allocated question and answer (Q&A) period. All elected officials will be invited to join the moderated Q&A period, as part of their invitation to offer live remarks at BACCC events. Elected officials who are unable to attend the moderated Q&A will be asked to submit video remarks in advance to BACCC staff, instead of providing live remarks at the event. Any video remarks will be limited to a greeting and welcome message. Video remarks involving track records (past or future climate initiatives) are considered remarks beyond a greeting or welcome message, and will not be accepted.