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All Municipal Candidates Hamilton Hamilton Ward 6 Hamilton Ward Candidates

Hamilton Ward 6 Candidate Tom Jackson

Headshot of TOM JACKSON

Ward Candidate Tom Jackson presents their position on transportation in Hamilton Ontario.

BACCC asked all municipal candidates for their views on environmentally-friendly transportation options, presenting them with these three questions. Views expressed are solely those of the candidates and do not reflect the views of BACCC or its members. All responses have been reviewed to ensure appropriateness and relevance to the questions posed. We encourage you to make an informed decision by researching your local candidates.

Headshot of Ward 6 candidate TOM JACKSON

Hamilton Ward 6 Candidate Tom Jackson

From the recommendations in BACCC’s Options for Travel report, which would be your top priority to enact to ensure safe, reliable, convenient and equitable transportation options?

The need to enhance better running times for our conventional transit system is paramount by increasing the fleet (currently at 300 plus) and by offering more reliability and dependability of the system. I envision a public transit system that someday will run from “Coast-to-coast-to coast” across our city….From Winona to Flamborough and from the lake to the airport. Also given the enormous popularity of the recreational trails for walkers and cyclists, extend the trials so that an individual someday can traverse in one continuum of connectivity and social-recreational journey across the entire community. And there must be a safer, cleaner, pleasant experience for transit riders at all bus stops and shelters by placing benches and other amenities. Eventual complete electrification of our conventional transit system and fleet needs to occur sooner than later.

If environmentally friendly transportation options are not convenient, residents will be less likely to choose those options over driving.
What steps would you take to ensure environmentally friendly transportation options are convenient?

Through the re-envisioning study by the HSR it was shown very strongly by respondents that they insisted upon a better more enjoyable experience at bus pads and shelters and to be worry-free of inclement weather. When commuter cycling lanes are constructed, an absolute safe experience must be made available via aesthetically pleasing barricades and bollards along side vehicular traffic. Public transit must be seen as a dependable option with cleanliness and proper customer service a must. The state of conditions of our bus fleet are paramount too in attracting and increasing ridership. The enticement of more “Suits” using our HSR fleet will enhance the image of bus use too….Whilst always ensuring those of limited “Ways and means” can always access our public system.

Environmentally friendly transportation needs to be perceived as safe in order to be viewed as a viable option.
What steps would you take to ensure all users feel safe when using all transportation methods?

The recent carnage at nearly 24 bus stops and shelters is a travesty and disgusting. To the vandals who caused senseless waste of taxpayer money and entered fear into some riders….We may be reaching a point of a pilot project with security cameras in certain bus stop locations. Possibly increased illumination within the shelters at night time could provide a deterrent against criminal activity. For walkers and cyclists, different road designs may be in order. Also additional traffic safety measures such as speed cushions and photo radar cameras and more mid-block intersection pedestrian signals would be beneficial in my opinion. Reduced speed posted signs and more family-friendly marked neighbourhoods will provide a stronger message to the motoring public too.